Hamilton High School
Milwaukee School of Engineering
B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Lead Advisor
FRC #Charger Robotics
Director, Secretary
FIRST Wisconsin
Regal Rexnord
Mentor/Part Time
FRC #537 Charger Robotics
Head Coach
FRC #5096 The Teutonic Force
FRC #2506 Saber Robotics
FRC #537 Charger Robotics
Hamilton High School
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
Social Work
FRC #Charger Robotics
Youth Justice Social Worker
Waukesha County Health & Human Services
Family Case Manager
Children's Wisconsin
Intensive Tracking - Juveniles
Wisconsin Community Services
FRC #537 Charger Robotics
Charger Robotics offers both FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) and FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC).
Programs offered


FIRST Robotics Competition

FIRST Tech Challenge
We first introduced FTC in the 2019-2020 season to:
create a more structured FRC pre-season.
better bridge the gap between FLL and FRC.
have a competition season in the Autumn for students unavailable in the spring.
This season we will approach FTC with a stronger emphasis on "miniature FRC" mindset. Our primary aim is to better prepare our team and organization for the FRC season. While there are some skills, tools, and hardware that are specific to FRC, we challenge students and mentors to think more creatively and gain practice designing mechanisms that are smaller, faster, and lighter.
Each FTC team will be limited to a maximum of 7 students and a minimum of 1 mentor. The number of teams we register may be limited by mentor & volunteer availability.
Individuals who participate in our FTC program may be selected to participate in our FRC program. By default, all students start by participating in FTC.
Charger Robotics plans to operate in-person and attend in-person events whenever possible.
We plan to attend the following competition events
FTC Scrimmages: 1-2
FTC Qualifiers: 2
FRC Scrimmages: 1-2
FRC Regionals: 2
World Championship
Off-season Competitions: 1-2
Students and mentors are expected to cover their own food & souvenir purchases while attending competition events, with exception to pre-planned team social activities and meals.
Competitions & Events
We host this event
Event: Saturday 2024-10-19, 08:00 to 12:00
No student fee!
FTC - Sussex Scramble

Typically within ~2 hour drive
No student fee!
2024-11-16 thru 2024-11-17 Lakeshore FLL Tournament (LTC - Cleveland, WI)
FTC - Scrimmages

Single-day competition event (Saturday)
Within ~2 hour driving distance
Transportation via School Bus
$40.00/student fee
2024-11-23 Showdown in Sheboygan (Sheboygan, WI)
2024-12-07 ThumbWars (Greenfield, WI)
There are other events in January and February. FTC teams may have an option to continue into this part of the season instead of participating in FRC provided mentor availability and advisor approval.
FTC - Qualifier Events

2025-02-16: Sunday of build season week 6, starts Engineer's Week.
We host this event - expectation for everyone to volunteer/participate!
Parent and mentor volunteering is strongly encouraged/requested!!!
Setup: 2025-02-15, 12:00 to 20:00
Event: 2025-02-16, 08:00 to 16:00
Teardown: 2025-02-16, 16:00 to 20:00
Hamilton High School
No student fee!
FRC - Sussex Scrimmage

Only if we qualify by winning certain awards at the Qualifiers
Held at MSOE University
$75.00/student fee
2024-03-02 (Saturday)
FTC - State Championship

Thursday night load-in
--> Friday through Sunday <--
2024-03-15 thru 2024-03-17
Students will be absent from class 1 day
Transportation via School Bus
Team meal & social event provided on Friday
~$200.00*/student fee
FRC WI Regional

Tuesday/Wednesday through Sunday (including travel)
Students will be absent from class 3 or 4 days
Transportation via Coach Bus
Hotel (typically 4 students to a room)
Team meal & social event provided on Friday
~$300.00*/student fee
There are no guarantees on which events we are assigned. We aim to attend an event that the current students have not experienced before, without breaking the bank, and while avoiding back-to-back weeks and spring break.
Planned: 2024-04-03 thru 2024-04-06
Seven Rivers Regional - La Crosse, WI, USA
FRC Travel Regional

Tuesday through Sunday (including travel)
2024-04-16 thru 2024-04-21
Students will be absent from class 4 or 5 days
Transportation via Coach Bus or Airplane
Hotel (typically 4 students to a room)
Team meal & social event provided on Friday
+$500.00*/student fee
This is only if our teams qualify for the event by winning certain awards at our official competition events.
World Championship

Requirements for Lettering
Yes! Students are able to earn Freshmen, Junior Varsity, and Varsity Letters through Charger Robotics!
Charger Robotics is a Category A, Competitive, Non-Athletic Extra-Curricular Activity. Participation in either FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) and/or FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) apply.
Throughout the year, Charger Robotics Advisors will collect data and make observations regarding student participation, performance, contributions, and attitude to determine how Letters will be awarded. Assessments will be based on a combination of factors, including:
alignment, adherence, and promotion of our Core Values and Codes of Conduct
individual contribution and impact to the team and their peers
STEM and Entrepreneurial talents demonstrated
rate of improvement (including soft-skills)
commitment and dedication to the program
attendance and engagement in Charger Robotics fundraisers, events, and activities
Awards Ceremony
Charger Robotics provides an End-of-Year Awards Ceremony to celebrate team and individual accomplishments and formally wrap up the season.
Advisors distribute the Letters at this event*, as well as several awards for individual students and mentors that exemplify team and FIRST core values or otherwise merit recognition.
Students are encouraged to dress nicely for this event.
FRC Selection
We plan to limit the FRC team size to approximately 30 students (~60% of FTC).
FRC team selection will be based on:
alignment, adherence, and promotion of our Core Values and Codes of Conduct
individual contribution and impact to the team
STEM and Entrepreneurial talents demonstrated
attendance and engagement in our fundraisers, events, and activities
commitment and dedication to the program
We want a good balance of experience, grade levels, skills, and technical backgrounds on the team. We want seniors as well as rookie freshman to be part of this journey. FRC team selection will be made immediately following the December FTC Qualifier(s).
Students not selected for FRC will still have several opportunities for continued involvement, assisting with:
sponsorship demos and business activities
FRC playing field construction
award submissions
volunteering at events and scrimmages
Our FTC & FRC programs combined cost $80,000 to $120,000 per year (~$2k/student).
We receive funding from:
team & booster fundraising events and activities
hosted events & registration fees
grant requests
charitable donations
corporate & business sponsorships
student competition fees
Team & Booster Fundraising Events and Activities
Students and/or guardians are expected to participate in 2 or more fundraising activities, and help promote the rest.
Recycle drives
Restaurant fundraisers
Scrimmage concessions & raffle ticket sales
Hockey night ticket sales
Rummage sale
Brat fry
Car wash
Pointsetta/wreath/spring bulb sales
Spirit wear sales
Keep reduce everyone's competition fees by actively participating in our fundraisers!
Our aim is to improve the Year-over-Year participation of 54.7% (29/53) average of $165.94/student ($8,795)!
Corporate & Business Sponsorships
Charger Robotics would not be able to inspire students to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Entrepreneurship without the generous support of our corporate sponsors, industry partners, and local community.
Students are expected to contact 5 or more businesses using the tools, documents, and training provided by the business team. (current record: 27/student!)
Our aim is to improve the Year-over-Year success rate of 7.4% (27/364), and $389.15/student ($20,625)!
Practice Locations & Times
Students who are unable to make a meeting must inform Advisors and the team through the "Attendance" channel on Discord (ideally before the prior meeting ends), or the absence will be considered unexcused. Students can contact Advisors via email, Discord, or verbally in-person.
Three unexcused absences may result in the loss of leadership position, inability to travel to competition events, and/or dismissal from Charger Robotics.
Meeting times are planned as follows.
October - December
Tuesday evenings from 18:00 - 21:00
Thursday evenings from 18:00 - 21:00
The primary focus will be on FTC.
All regularly scheduled meetings will take place at Hamilton High School, starting and ending in Room #41.
January - April
Tuesday evenings from 18:00 - 21:00
Thursday evenings from 18:00 - 21:00
Friday evenings from 18:00 - 21:00
Saturday from 08:30 - 14:30
The primary focus will be on FRC.
All regularly scheduled meetings will take place at Hamilton High School, starting and ending in Room #41.
A lunch break will be provided by the Boosters on Saturdays at 11:45 to 12:45. Boosters will coordinate with parents to volunteer food slots and opportunities to be involved.
We follow the Hamilton High School Athletic Department Parent/Athlete Coach Expectations.
Advisors expect the following from students and parents:
Arrival to meetings on time and ready to participate.
Notification of any and all schedule conflicts that may occur, well in advance (e.g. other sports/commitments, vacations, travel plans, etc.)
Communicate special concerns regarding coaching/mentoring expectations (e.g. Practice requirements).
Positive support for the HHS Co-Curricular Contract, Charger Robotics Code of Conduct, and FIRST Core Values.
Positive support for all team members, mentors, and advisors.
Exhibit Gracious Professionalism, good sportsmanship, and appropriate language.
A great work ethic at practice and at competitions.
If the student has a concerns, parents and guardians should encourage them to speak with a mentor or advisor.
Appropriate concerns you can address with Advisors:
The treatment of the student, mentally and physically
Ways to help the student improve their performance and skill
Concerns about the student's behavior at school/meetings/competitions
Ideas for future demonstration events and business partnerships
Areas that are not appropriate for parents to discuss with Advisors:
The make-up of the team and the decision as to who has what roles on a particular team
Other members of the team, other parents, other mentors
Program strategic direction
Problem Escalation Process
​The proper method to address a concern is to:
Student speaks with Advisor(s).
Parents speak with Advisors(s), or ask to schedule a discussion.
If concerns are not resolved, a follow-up conference can be organized with the Athletics & Activities Director.
If concerns are not resolved, a conference will be set up by the Principal.
In each of these scenarios, efforts will be taken to ensure that the conversation take place in a non-threatening environment, and that all parties are allowed to speak in an uninterrupted manner.